Floral Bootcamp -June 4 | Expo June 5-6, 2025 • Broward County Convention Center • Fort Lauderdale, FL

Welcome to Floriexpo.

— North America's Largest B2B Floral Show —

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This year more than ever- we’re all looking forward to breaking out of isolation and seeing our floral friends again in a fun, familiar and educational environment!  It’s time….. and the time is September 16th-18th at the Miami Beach Convention Center!  Let’s break down the vibes:


  1. A NEW DATE…… that’s been safely planned for post-vaccine safety.  With the guidance of event industry associations UFI, AEO, and SISO, Diversified Communications has adapted the All Secure Standards. In addition to this set of best practices, each Diversified Communications event will follow the recommendations from public health officials, federal, state, and local authorities, and venues.
  2. NEW PRODUCTS…. sourced from vendors across the globe ranging from retail products, production products, technology, wraps, supplies and services. And unveiled for the first time, a NEW re-designed, spacious Product Gallery with new pedestals, glass cases and signage for an ever-important 360° view.
  3. PEER CONNECTIONS….. ranging from hotel gatherings, education sessions, meetings, parties and much more! It’s been a long year, so don’t miss out on seeing your besties in September to re-connect and share valuable business ideas!
  4. AFFORDABLE PRICING….. no expensive memberships, no expensive admission fees AND key buyers qualify for FREE attendance benefits to generate an easy ROI for exhibitors. Key buyers can enjoy the benefits of bringing their multi-member team together for a full year of planning without those exorbitant membership and admission fees.
  5. MULTI-CHANNELS ARE WELCOMED…. regardless of your retail genre (traditional florist, mass market, drugstore, C-store or e-commerce), EVERYONE is welcomed! In a world that can often be fragmented and compartmentalized, you are sure to find common topics and business ideas to share, regardless of your specialty within the industry.  We celebrate diversity!
  6. FUN FACTOR….. in an enriching environment. Have you seen the crazy “keystone cops antics” on stage as talented designers create fabulous floral designs in 20 minutes!  You will likely see some of your friends vie for this year’s renown Iron Designer prize!  Be sure to come cheer them on!
  7. AWARDING GREATNESS…… Flower naming events are a venerated tradition in Europe and the International Floriculture Expo feels privileged to bring this tradition stateside at the 12th Annual Flower Naming Ceremony! This ceremony honors floral industry pioneers who have made a significant impact over the course of their career. NEW FOR 2021,The Iron Designer Competitors will be required to use the newly named flower in their design
  8. Familiar Location….. means you don’t have to get oriented to new surroundings.  Simply, fly into the flower import capital of the world and hit the ground running!  You know the airport.  You know the location.  You know the hotels.  You know that IFE is THE place to be!
  9. New Exhibitors….. will be filling the aisles with the latest and greatest products to offer. Aren’t your customers ready to see NEW products for 2022?  IFE is THE place to meet brand new vendors and see the future of the industry with your own eyes!
  10. Mini-Vacation…… for a relaxing few days in South Beach after the IFE trade show. That’s right!  Check out the calendar, and there’s plenty of time to enjoy South Beach after IFE closes on Saturday.  Whether it’s a long weekend or a vacation the week following, South Beach is THE vacation mecca of the world!  It’s time for a vacation away from home, isn’t it?  Come join us and stay a little longer for some well-deserved post-IFE zen moments!

Do You Want To Boost Your Business?

Exhibit at Floriexpo!